Our vision is that people everywhere will use the power of insulation


The India Insulation Forum has the full unction of the Bureau of Energy Efficiency of the Ministry of Power. This means that it is an approved body to discuss and facilitate policy change in the most efficient and acceptable manner. Therefore, membership in the IIF helps the industry voice and thus your voice to be heard!

Membership in the IIF also entails the access to key stakeholders in the Construction Industry, some of them who are also Forum members. With clearly defined goals and tasks, the Forum allows participation in Seminars for Stakeholders, Technical Training Sessions for Applicators, Professionals & Home Owners, and Testing Facilities, which are conducted nationally from time to time. The IIF will work as a single platform for all information and action on the Insulation industry in India, thus consolidating and sharing data which is vital for discussions and negotiations with the curious and knowledge stakeholder.Finally, the Forum’s vision of building a regard for insulation in the consumer’s mind is bound to be quickly realized. You will therefore be able to achieve your goals sooner as the Forum drives it.

Annual membership: Rs. 5000/- for individuals & Rs. 10,000/- for corporates

Please download the registration form, scan / email the filled-in form to indiainsulationforum@gmail.com.

CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD (Right click on image and select “SAVE LINK/TARGET AS” to save file)

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